
Abusive Relationships - Domestic Abuse And The Money Factor

Abusive Relationships - Domestic Abuse And The Money Factor

Common thinking is that intimate partner abuse happens to the poor. It occurs in the lower socioeconomic classes. It a syndrome that afflicts the unemployed, the uneducated, the underprivileged... But the fact is,chaussures christian louboutin, it crosses all boundaries.

You can be black, white, yellow, rich, poor, educated, uneducated,Christian Louboutin, fat,hogan vendita, thin, pretty,hogan, ugly, professional, blue collar... You can be of any religious orientation, on any diet. It not about your class or your lifestyle; it about CONTROL.

I liken its far-reaching incidence to perspiration. The rich sweat just as do the poor; only difference is they may do it enclosed in saunas. The fact is they have sweat pores too,christian louboutin france, and their physiology is the same as their less privileged counterpart.

Abuse and Control as a Human Condition

The tendency toward controlling your intimate partner is a human condition, not a social or economic condition. It is a psychosocial addiction to control. It an excessive compulsion to own,christian louboutin soldes, possess and overpower one love objects.

It about finding one contentment and personal well-being in one ability to successfully regulate one ove?partner, over regulating oneself. And moreoverver honoring one intimate partner.

Domestic Abuse and Financial Strain

That being said, it is also true that financial strain does create stress,mbt zum Verkauf, which exacerbates violence. So we can expect to see an increase in the episodes of relationship abuse for those with a predisposition for intimate partner violence under economic strain.

If you live this syndrome of domestic abuse, you know this to be true. If you are an outsider looking in, look closer at your wealthy friends. Chances are you will notice as many abusive relationships among the rich as among the poor. Related articles:

